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Potty Training

It is official - I hate potty training. I thought it was bad with big man. He was a breeze compared to the middle one! Middle man has just turned 3 and so far not potty trained. I have friends with boys of just over two that use a potty, and am now wondering if baby man could be trained first!

I have tried a couple of times over the last few months with no success what so ever. He cries at the mention of pants. I bought a copy of Pirate Pete's Potty hoping that it would help him understand. All it seems to have done is make him insist that he wants a pair of pants with a duck on! I turned to bribery - not interested.

Then I walked downstairs one morning "Look Mummy!" he said with a smile on his face. I was excited. I lifted him in the air and told him how clever he was. He beamed from ear to ear. I told him I was going to call Daddy.

I did call Daddy. As it turns out, not to tell him that middle man had had a breakthough and used his potty rather than leave a puddle on the floor.


I rang him to tell him that middle man had just filled his potty with half a bottle of weight watchers Sicilian lemonade!

I finally caught middle man just as he was about to have an accident. I quickly put him on the potty. He then sat there and said "Mummy, help me get the wee out." That led me to ask myself if he is actually ready? I don't think so. Am I frustrated? Yes. So for now, I think the best thing to do is to leave it a couple more weeks.

Did you find it hard potty training your little one? If you didn't - trust me you are very lucky! Do you have any words of advice? Will middle man ever get potty trained? I know the answer to that one is yes, it's just that, at the moment, it doesn't feel like it.

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