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Cubs from the Dollar Store

I received a package from the Great White North earlier this week and it was crammed full of Cubs.  These weren't any old Cubs as these were Sportscards From The Dollar Store, which is a fine blog run by the #SuperTrader known as buckstorecards, aka Douglas. 

Inside was a Cubs team set from the 2013 Panini Hometown Heroes set. 
This was a nice surprise for me, because I built the set from packs, but I didn't have many doubles for my Cubs binders.

Also included was the Mark Grace short print high-number variation. Only two of these per box!

 Due to Kyle Schwarber ending up on the shelf, Jorge Soler has been gifted more playing time.  I sure hope he takes advantage of this opportunity and becomes a menace to NL pitchers.
 Goose Gossage!  Love the facial hair!

Lastly, we have a 2014 Gypsy Queen mini of Travis Wood and a Billy Williams auto from a Panini's 75th Hall of Fame Anniversary set, which I have kind of fallen for. The base set has a nice design, there are Diamond Kings and other fun Donruss-esque inserts like Dominators.  I wish it wasn't so pricey.
Thanks for the cards, Douglas!    #SuperTraders

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